Overview of Stage 2 Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma is a form of cancer primarily caused by exposure to asbestos. By the time it reaches stage 2, the cancer has started to spread beyond its original location, particularly into nearby lymph nodes. When it comes to pleural mesothelioma, which affects the lining of the lungs, this stage signifies the involvement of hilar lymph nodes, positioned at the lung’s root. On the other hand, peritoneal mesothelioma, affecting the lining of the abdominal cavity, lacks a formal staging system. However, it’s often considered to be in stage 2 when local tumor growth is seen alongside some lymph node involvement. For instance, while stage 1 mesothelioma doesn’t affect the lymph nodes, tumors in stage 2 can sometimes expand into the diaphragm or lung tissue.
Diagnosis and Life Expectancy
The main challenge in diagnosing stage 2 mesothelioma is its prolonged latency period, where decades can elapse between the initial asbestos exposure and the onset of cancer. Often, this stage is asymptomatic, making detection difficult. Any symptoms, like chronic coughing or minor chest pain, can be easily mistaken for more benign illnesses, such as the flu. The chances of detecting stage 2 mesothelioma primarily occur during unrelated medical check-ups. When discussing life expectancy, various factors come into play, including overall health and specific cancer cell type. While the statistics might seem grim, treatments are continuously evolving, and newly diagnosed patients might have a brighter outlook.
Treatment Options
Mesothelioma, irrespective of its stage, remains incurable. However, several treatments can manage the cancer and potentially prolong a patient’s life. In the context of stage 2 mesothelioma, various treatments, including surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy, are available. A combined approach, known as multimodal therapy, has shown promise, especially for stage 2 patients. Surgery can either involve an extrapleural pneumonectomy or a pleurectomy with decortication, depending on the patient’s health and the cancer’s spread. Chemotherapy, particularly using combinations like Alimta and cisplatin or carboplatin, is standard. Radiation can help reduce tumor sizes pre-surgery or prevent recurrence post-surgery. Additionally, clinical trials offer emerging treatments like gene therapy and new chemotherapy drug combinations, presenting hope for those diagnosed with stage 2 mesothelioma.
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma or another asbestos-related disease, please call the Halpern Law Firm at (800) 505-6000 or fill out our form for legal help. Call today for a free case evaluation and to get more information. We have over 30 years of experience and have won over $100 million for our clients.
Written By Jeff Nelson
Don’t Wait—Contact an Experienced Pennsylvania Mesothelioma Attorney Today!
Now that you know the mesothelioma statute of limitations in Pennsylvania, contact an experienced attorney from our firm to represent your case before time runs out.
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