A mesothelioma diagnosis means you are entitled to compensation. Whoever is responsible for your asbestos exposure must pay. Although many mesothelioma patients understand that compensation is available, knowing what you might be entitled to receive is sometimes a mystery. The answer depends on your specific circumstances.
Working with a skilled lawyer can make a big difference to your mesothelioma compensation in Johnstown. Talk with our compassionate mesothelioma attorney, Dave Halpern, at The Halpern Law Firm as soon as you receive a diagnosis. We work exclusively with people diagnosed with asbestos-related diseases and their families to ensure they receive appropriate compensation for the injuries they experience.
The compensation a patient receives from a lawsuit should cover all the losses they experienced. Calculating these losses, or damages, can be complicated. An experienced Johnstown attorney could help a family document all their mesothelioma-related losses.
Some losses are easy to prove. Medical expenses, the cost of travel to medical appointments, diminished income, and the loss of opportunity to earn in the future are elements of a mesothelioma claim. The patient or their family can prove these losses with documents including receipts, invoices, and tax records.
Other losses are harder to prove. A patient is entitled to money to make up for their physical pain, psychological suffering, lost ability to participate in activities they enjoy, and similar results of their illness. A legal professional could prove these non-economic losses through statements from the patient and their family, medical records, pictures, video, and other persuasive evidence.
For decades, people have been suing for compensation after developing an asbestos-related disease. By now, most companies that produced or used asbestos-containing products, or workplaces that exposed employees to asbestos, have faced multiple lawsuits.
These companies or workplaces sometimes try to deny that they exposed people to asbestos, or that those people later developed diseases because of the exposure. However, in many cases, the responsible party negotiates with the patient’s legal representative to reach an agreement about an appropriate amount of compensation.
The attorneys from The Halpern Law Firm in Johnstown understand the value of mesothelioma cases very well because asbestos-related cases are all they handle. A patient can rely on them to achieve the most favorable settlement possible under the circumstances; and if the responsible party does not make a reasonable offer, they are prepared to go to court.
One of the advantages of working with a lawyer from The Halpern Law Firm is that they work exclusively with people experiencing asbestos-related illnesses like mesothelioma. They know how to tap into sources of compensation for mesothelioma sufferers in Johnstown.
For example, many companies that once mined asbestos or produced asbestos-containing products are now out of business or bankrupt. However, many of these companies contributed to an asbestos trust fund that pays compensation to people with asbestos-related illnesses. Not everyone qualifies for payment from the trust fund, but those who do could expect payments to begin just a few weeks after their claim is verified.
Also, many veterans suffer the effects of asbestos-related diseases like mesothelioma. Veterans are eligible for disability benefits if they can connect their asbestos exposure to their time in the military. These benefits provide substantial monthly payments, eligibility for treatment at a VA facility, and other services.
When you are wondering where to turn after a mesothelioma diagnosis, call The Halpern Law Firm. Our dedicated attorney, Dave Halpern, has devoted his career to assisting victims.
Mesothelioma compensation in Johnstown can be substantial, but you must have a legal representative who understands the value of your claim. Schedule a no-obligation consultation with a knowledgeable attorney at our firm today.
Office Locations
philadelphia main office
610 Old Lancaster Rd, Suite 100
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
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923 Haddonfield Rd, Suite 300 Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
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2429 East Carson St. Suite 201 Pittsburgh, PA 15219
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