As people became aware of the dangers of working around asbestos in the late 20th century, many companies that produced asbestos products or used asbestos in their processes declared bankruptcy and went out of business. This left victims and family members without recourse after a mesothelioma diagnosis.
The mesothelioma trust funds exist for these victims and their families. What are the mesothelioma trust funds? Read on as our team at The Halpern Law Firm describes the benefits of the mesothelioma trusts and how to receive compensation.
What Are the Mesothelioma Trust Funds?
As they went out of business, bankrupt asbestos companies established these trusts to allow mesothelioma victims and their family members to receive compensation for their injuries after the companies closed. The mesothelioma trusts enable mesothelioma patients to pursue some amount of compensation for asbestos-related illness after the company they worked for has gone out of business.
How Do I File a Claim for Asbestos-Related Illness?
Now that you know the answer to “what are the mesothelioma trust funds?” you’re probably wondering how to receive compensation from one of the funds. Over 60 active mesothelioma trusts exist, totaling more than $30 billion in funds.
People who qualify to apply include:
- victims diagnosed with asbestos-related illness after asbestos exposure
- family members of a victim of asbestos-related illness
- family members or attorney of a patient who is too ill to file on their own
A knowledgeable mesothelioma attorney from The Halpern Law Firm can help you or your family choose the best option for a trust fund to file against to receive compensation from the trust.
What Amount of Compensation Can I Get from a Mesothelioma Trust Fund?
The amount of compensation that a mesothelioma patient or family can receive from a trust ranges from several hundred dollars to $100,000.
The amount of compensation you or your family could receive depends upon several internal and external management factors by the trust, including:
- diagnosis of mesothelioma or other asbestos-related illness
- the trust’s established payment schedule
- the trust’s current payment percentage
Each trust could pay according to a sliding scale based on the severity of the diagnosis, the current percentage rate, and what the company paid to claimants before declaring bankruptcy.
How Can a Mesothelioma Patient or Their Family Members Receive Compensation?
Victims of asbestos exposure that resulted in mesothelioma or asbestos-related illness have some options to receive compensation for damages. They can pursue justice in court by filing a personal injury or wrongful death claim against a liable party.
Be aware that although asbestos injuries fall under personal injury liability, not all personal injury attorneys have the experience necessary to build a solid argument for your case. Hire a lawyer who focuses primarily on asbestos injury cases.
You may also file a claim against one of the mesothelioma trusts with the help of a knowledgeable mesothelioma attorney. Additional compensation options include social security disability, veterans benefits, and personal insurance.
Call Us at The Halpern Law Firm for More Information About Mesothelioma Legal Options
The mesothelioma trust funds can help you and your family receive compensation for your injuries. Our team at The Halpern Law Firm can help you find the right way to file your claim, as well as help you build your argument to file a lawsuit if necessary.