Pennsylvania Mesothelioma Lawsuit

You may want to file a Pennsylvania mesothelioma lawsuit if you have been diagnosed with this asbestos-related cancer. Dave Halpern specializes in helping victims of asbestos exposure start lawsuits to hold the responsible companies accountable and to recover damages.

To learn more about Dave Halpern and his 30-plus years of asbestos and mesothelioma lawsuit experience, visit our Meet Dave Halpern pageComplete our Free Consultation form or call us at (800) 505-6000 to get your questions answered and to find out if you have a case for a lawsuit.

Who Can File a Pennsylvania Mesothelioma Lawsuit?

Nearly 18,000 people in Pennsylvania died from asbestos-related diseases between 1999 and 2017. The state has a high rate of asbestos deaths for many reasons. These include natural deposits of asbestos and mines, a long history of industries that used asbestos, and older buildings that contain asbestos.

Most asbestos exposure is negligent, which means that anyone diagnosed with mesothelioma potentially has a case to file a lawsuit. A lawyer with expertise on asbestos use in Pennsylvania can help you track down past asbestos exposure and determine if you have a case.

You must be able to prove you were exposed to asbestos, usually at work, and that the exposure directly contributed to your diagnosis. This requires evidence from your past job as well as medical evidence and testimony.

Some of Pennsylvania’s major industries and workplaces used asbestos, including steel mills, mining operations, railroads, and manufacturing. If you worked in an industry like these or for specific companies known to have used asbestos in the state, you could be at risk for mesothelioma. Some examples are:

  • Allied Chemical
  • Alcoa
  • Hammermill Paper
  • LTV Steel
  • Reading Iron Works
  • Sharon Steel Company
  • Standard Oil Company
  • Carnegie Natural Gas Company
  • Pennsylvania Railroad Company
  • Philadelphia Naval Shipyard
  • Quaker State Metals
  • Scott Paper Company
  • Jones and Laughlin Steel Works
  • U.S. Steel
  • Bethlehem Steel

Why Would I File a Pennsylvania Mesothelioma Lawsuit?

If you suffered asbestos exposure, you could be at risk of developing mesothelioma even if you are not sick now. This is an aggressive, terminal cancer that causes painful symptoms and requires costly medical care.

One of the most important reasons to file a lawsuit over mesothelioma is to recover damages for medical expenses. Being sick can cost you money in lost wages, in travel expenses for treatment, and in money you would have provided to dependents. You have a right to seek compensation for these losses if you experienced negligent asbestos exposure.

Companies that used asbestos and went through bankruptcy often set up trusts to compensate victims. You may be able to make a claim with an asbestos trust, but if none apply to your situation, a lawsuit may be your best option.

Another reason people choose to file a lawsuit over mesothelioma is for the sense of justice. Companies that harm their workers should be held accountable. It helps to deter negligent, damaging actions in the future.

What Are the Steps in a Mesothelioma Lawsuit?

If you choose to file a mesothelioma lawsuit in Pennsylvania, it will go through several steps:

  • Investigations
    Before officially filing a lawsuit, your lawyer will investigate your situation. They’ll look into where and how you encountered asbestos and make sure they have evidence to prove exposure and that it caused mesothelioma.
  • Filing a Complaint
    If you both agree a lawsuit is the best move, your lawyer will make it official by filing a complaint on your behalf. This will notify the courts in Pennsylvania and the defendants.
  • Discovery
    With the defendants notified, both sides will enter a discovery period. This is when they have a chance to investigate your claims. Both sides will gather evidence and expert testimony, share information, and hold depositions to build their cases.
  • Negotiations
    Trials can take a long time, and time is of the essence when you have mesothelioma. If it’s possible, your lawyer will try to get a settlement, a faster way to be compensated than a trial in court.
  • Trial and Verdict
    If the negotiations for a settlement fail, your lawyer will represent you in a trial seeking a favorable jury verdict. The jury will decide if the defendants are liable for your exposure and illness, and if so, what they owe you.
  • Appeals
    Either side can appeal the verdict and ask a higher court to overturn it. Your lawyer can take you through this process if it is necessary.

What Should I Do if I Want to File a Pennsylvania Mesothelioma Lawsuit?

Filing a lawsuit against big companies is not an action to take lightly. Your first step in this process should be to talk to an experienced Pennsylvania mesothelioma lawyer.

They can look over your case and advise you on whether a lawsuit is a good idea. They will estimate your chances of winning and how much you may be able to recover in damages.

Choose a lawyer with experience in the state and who is dedicated to representing asbestos and mesothelioma victims. Asbestos lawsuits can be complicated. You need someone with years of experience working with victims.

Dave Halpern’s Wins in Pennsylvania

With over 30 years of experience representing victims of asbestos exposure in the state, Dave Halpern has been involved in many winning lawsuits. These are just a few examples:

  • Steel mill welder. A client received a mesothelioma diagnosis at the age of 53 after working in a Pennsylvania steel mill. He received a $14.5 million jury verdict because of exposure from work materials, including gaskets, pipe coverings, and fireproofing.
  • Furnace operator. Another client also worked around asbestos materials, like pipe covering and hot tops. He worked in a steel mill operating equipment and a furnace. He received a mesothelioma diagnosis at age 62 and got a jury verdict of $4 million.
  • Boiler technician. An 83-year-old former boiler technician in Pennsylvania worked with asbestos materials and ultimately was diagnosed with mesothelioma. He received a $2.4 million settlement.

A lawsuit may seem like a drastic step, but if you have been unable to get the compensation you deserve, it’s a necessary step. Dave Halpern represents victims of asbestos exposure in Pennsylvania, helping them take legal action to recover damages for medical expenses.



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