Mesothelioma compensation is important to talk about when it comes to a mesothelioma case. The goal is to get compensation for the mesothelioma victim and their family, because not only is the victim affected by this terrible disease, but loved ones are as well. Settlements can come out to millions of dollars, and in most circumstances, the cases are settled before trial. At The Halpern Law Firm, 99 percent of our cases settle before going to trial.
Types of Mesothelioma Compensation
There are different types of mesothelioma compensation a mesothelioma victim or family members may be awarded. Someone who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma may file a personal injury claim. The compensation that the victim gets for this type of claim may cover lost wages, medical bills, and more, and this claim is filed by the person who has mesothelioma.
Family members of mesothelioma victims may file wrongful death claims. In other terms, the estate of the person who has passed from mesothelioma may file these types of claims.
In a select number of cases, if the case has not been settled outside of trial, a court or jury will decide your case and determine how much money should be awarded.
What is a Settlement?
A settlement occurs when a defendant in a case pays the plaintiff to dismiss the case all together. This is probably a good option if you want to avoid a trial. At The Halpern Law Firm, if a defendant wants to settle, our attorneys will determine if it is an appropriate amount or if you should pursue a trial to get more compensation.
Asbestos Trust Funds for Mesothelioma Compensation
Another way to obtain mesothelioma compensation is through asbestos trust funds. To avoid bankruptcy, companies that exposed individuals to asbestos put money aside into a trust fund to pay victims of mesothelioma for their negligence. As of today, there is over $30 billion available in asbestos trust funds for victims of mesothelioma. At The Halpern Law Firm we will do the work to determine which funds you qualify for. There are over 60 companies that have contributed to these funds.
Who Can Get Mesothelioma Compensation?
Mesothelioma compensation can be given to anyone who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma. An experienced law firm, such as The Halpern Law Firm, will track down the source of the asbestos exposure and determine which companies are viable defendants in a case and/or which trust funds to apply for.
Family members of those who have passed away due to mesothelioma may also be awarded compensation.
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma or another asbestos-related disease, please call The Halpern Law Firm at 1(800) 505-6000. We specialize in getting Pennsylvania victims of mesothelioma and their families the compensation they deserve.