Mesothelioma and Depression – Treatment Options

When someone is diagnosed with cancer, especially one such as mesothelioma, it is completely normal to feel sad, overwhelmed, angry and ultimately depressed about it. People who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma have gotten cancer through no fault of their own- they were exposed to asbestos, a naturally occurring silicate material that is extremely harmful to breathe in. In general, depression can be described as feelings of severe despondency and dejection. This mental illness is very serious, and it affects a patient’s daily life.

Common symptoms of depression include but are not limited to, restlessness or insomnia, irritability, fatigue, a sense of hopelessness and no interest in activities one would usually enjoy. Mesothelioma patients may become depressed due to stress about finances from paying for treatment, thinking about the future of their family and lifestyle changes that they will have to go through. Treatment can also change the way patients physically look. For instance, patients who undergo chemotherapy may lose their hair. This change in appearance may cause them to feel depressed. Depression affects 25% of all cancer patients but can affect mesothelioma cancer patients more because of how severe the cancer is.

In order to receive the best possible care for their depression, mesothelioma patients should talk about symptoms with health care providers so that they can tell patients which treatment options they are best suited for.

One treatment is medication, such as antidepressants. Antidepressants are supposed to enhance the patient’s mood and decrease their anxiety. Some different types of antidepressants are NDRIs, SSRIs and SSNRIs. Some common SSRIs include Zoloft, Lexapro, and Prozac, among others. Some common SNRIs include Effexor, Cymbalta and Pristiq.

Another treatment for mesothelioma patients who are experiencing depression is counseling or talk therapy, in which patients can talk to professionals about the feelings they are experiencing due to being diagnosed with mesothelioma. This can be done individually or in a group setting.

Another way to treat depression is through holistic healing. Some examples of this are journaling, acupuncture, massage and more. Improving diet and exercise can also help mesothelioma patients with depression.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, here at the Halpern Law Firm, we are here to support you. We strive to get all our clients the compensation they deserve after being diagnosed with mesothelioma. Some funds may be available within 30 days. We have over 30 years of experience and have won over $100 million for our clients. Call 800-505-6000 for a free case evaluation today.


Written By Sadie Gold

Don’t Wait—Contact an Experienced Pennsylvania Mesothelioma Attorney Today!

Now that you know the mesothelioma statute of limitations in Pennsylvania, contact an experienced attorney from our firm to represent your case before time runs out.

At Halpern Law Firm, we help clients throughout Pennsylvania, with offices in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Allentown, Scranton and Johnstown. Call us today for a free consultation at (800) 505-6000.


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