Meet Johnstown, PA Mesothelioma Attorney David Halpern

If you’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma or another asbestos-related disease, you need an attorney on your side to help you seek compensation.

At the Halpern Law Firm, our experienced attorney David Halpern has helped numerous individuals throughout Johnstown and the greater Cambria County area receive financial compensation for their asbestos exposure. We’re prepared to put our skills and experience to work to assist your case as well.

Asbestos Attorney David Halpern

David Halpern has over 30 years of experience representing victims of asbestos exposure. Before starting the Halpern Law Firm, Halpern worked for a renowned asbestos plaintiffs firm in Philadelphia. Halpern has litigated and settled hundreds of asbestos-exposure cases throughout his extensive legal career.

David Halpern takes a hands-on approach to asbestos cases, putting extensive time and dedication into each client’s case. When you hire David Halpern to represent you in your asbestos case or lawsuit, you can feel confident that he will do everything he can to secure compensation.

How Can Attorney David Halpern Help You?

If you’re experiencing the adverse effects of asbestos exposure, taking legal action can allow you to receive compensation for your medical treatments and your pain and suffering. Hiring a qualified attorney like David Halpern is an excellent way to improve your case outcomes. Here are a few ways Attorney David Halpern can assist your case:

Help You Understand Your Options

You can receive compensation for your asbestos exposure in a few different ways. You may decide to file a lawsuit against the company or organization that exposed you to asbestos. Alternatively, you may be able to claim money through an asbestos trust fund.

Hiring an asbestos attorney is an excellent way to explore and review your options, then choose the legal route that makes the most sense for your needs. Attorney David Halpern has helped numerous clients throughout Pennsylvania navigate asbestos cases, giving him first-hand knowledge of your potential legal options as well.

File Paperwork to Begin Your Claim

Like most folks facing a catastrophic illness, you may be unsure of all the steps involved in beginning a lawsuit or filing a personal injury claim. David Halpern can help to ensure that you navigate these processes effectively.

Gather Evidence to Support Your Case

The most successful asbestos cases include strong evidence to support the plaintiff’s asbestos exposure and resulting health conditions. Typically, the more evidence you have to support your claim, the greater the chance of receiving a successful outcome.

When you work with David Halpern, you have the benefit of his extensive asbestos knowledge and resources to gather compelling evidence to support your case, like site inspections and documentation supporting previously elevated asbestos levels during your time of employment and/or exposure.

Represent You In Court

While some asbestos cases settle out of court, David Halpern has extensive courtroom experience and will represent you every step of the way if your case goes to trial.

Provide Legal Advice And Guidance

Throughout your asbestos exposure case, David Halpern can provide qualified legal advice and guidance to help you navigate each step effectively.


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