Life After Mesothelioma

It is extremely difficult to adjust to life after a cancer diagnosis. One minute you may think you are living a normal life and then you get hit with a life altering diagnosis, changing the course of your future. Mesothelioma is a rare and aggressive form of cancer with four different types. Pleural mesothelioma begins in the lining of the lungs, pericardial mesothelioma begins in the cells lining the heart, peritoneal mesothelioma begins in the abdominal cavity, and mesothelioma of the tunica vaginalis begins in the cell layer covering the testicles.

Cancer Survivors

Anyone who has been diagnosed with cancer who is still living is a cancer survivor. Although mesothelioma is associated with a poor prognosis, there are people who continue to live with the disease for many years. Cancer is very taxing on the mind and body and even though someone may be a cancer survivor it is very hard to go on with everything after what they have been through with different treatments.

After Mesothelioma Treatment

When it comes to treating mesothelioma, patients may be treated in a variety of ways, including surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, a combination of the three, or other forms of treatment such as targeted therapy. After being treated it is normal to feel scared and uncertain, not knowing if you will need more treatments in the future or if the mesothelioma tumors will end up getting more aggressive. It may even feel weird to live a life without constant treatments or doctors visits and that takes some adjusting to. After mesothelioma treatment, your way of life may also change exponentially, such as experiencing the lack of ability to do things you used to do easily, dealing with having physical scars on your body, figuring out different support systems that work for you, making changes to your diet, and more.

Follow-up Care

Mesothelioma patients along with cancer patients in general should always have follow-up care with their providers. These follow-ups consist of check-ups that may include different tests to determine if the cancer has come back, tumors have grown, or to determine the physical condition in general of the patient. You may also experience some complications from treatment that you can talk to your doctor about. A survivorship care plan details what you should talk about with your doctor. “A survivorship care plan may also include information to help meet the emotional, social, legal, and financial needs of the patient. It may include referrals to specialists and recommendations for a healthy lifestyle, such as changes in diet and exercise and quitting smoking. Also called follow-up care plan” (

Late Effects

If you are going through the stages of having been diagnosed with mesothelioma and then enduring treatment, there may be some long-lasting side effects. Some side effects that do not show up for months or years after treatment are called “late effects.” Those who have pleural mesothelioma may experience lung problems, since the cancer affects the lungs. Both radiation therapy and chemotherapy may cause damage to the lungs that does not show up until years after the therapy is administered. There are certain symptoms associated with late effects in regard to lung problems, such as dry cough, congestion, wheezing, fever, and shortness of breath. Oxygen therapy may be a good option for those who have trouble breathing. It is also normal to experience issues with family members and loved ones during recovery from cancer and different treatments. Some issues that arise may be that you need more support than your family members are aware of, or your loved ones may expect too much of you post treatment. It is essential to have open communication with loved ones to receive the support that is so crucial. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, please call The Halpern Law Firm at (800) 505-6000. We are here to help you navigate the legal process of filing a claim to receive compensation for your cancer diagnosis. We help mesothelioma victims and their families in Pennsylvania. Sources: Written By Sadie Gold
Photo of Sadie, author of this blog.


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