Asbestos Testing Requirements for Schools
Under federal law, schools are required to conduct asbestos testing and have an asbestos management plan. An asbestos management plan outlines procedures in the event that asbestos is found. These inspections must happen every 3 years.
If asbestos is found, schools are required to notify teachers, parents, custodial staff, and other employees of the appropriate procedures and planned response.
Scranton School District’s Knowledge of the Asbestos
Officials in the Scranton school district were repeatedly notified since 2016 of concerning levels of lead and asbestos found in school drinking water, water fountains, and building infrastructure. Despite knowing this, the Scranton School District did not perform necessary actions to resolve the contaminations. In 2020, Pennsylvania officials discovered the coverup. The former superintendent and director of operations, and current Scranton district maintenance supervisor were all charged with endangering the welfare of children and reckless endangerment.
The asbestos and lead contaminations were found at 10 schools in the district. School officials did not disconnect affected water fountains and sinks that had dangerous levels of lead found in them. Classrooms, restrooms, and cafeterias with asbestos continued to operate without safety measures. The public was also misled about the issue. Parents, students, and staff were told that school facilities were safe and passed all inspections. Not only is this act immoral, but also illegal.
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma or another asbestos-related disease, you may be eligible for compensation. The experienced team at The Halpern Law Firm can help you through every step of the legal process: from filing your claim to receiving your compensation. For a free consultation, call (800) 505-6000 or fill out our contact form. We’re here to help.